If you’re working with TPPLAY, there’s a great opportunity to earn a daily salary based on the number of active bettors and depositors you have in your network. With the Agent Daily Salary program, you can earn more as you grow your team, with higher payouts for each tier of active players. This program is a fantastic way to increase your income by recruiting and supporting active players.

Just remember to stick to the terms and conditions, such as ensuring your players are making daily deposits and bets, and avoiding any fraudulent activities. As you grow your network, keep in touch with your upline to claim your daily salary and explore even better offers as you progress.

TP PLAY Agent Salary Details

TP PLAY Agent Salary Details
agent salary

TPPLAY Agent Salary

Agents can earn daily salary rewards based on the number of active bettors and depositors:

Active Bettor/DepositorAgent Salary

Terms and Conditions:

  1. Active Player only counted if the Member make a minimum bet of ₹500. 2. Member must Active and Deposit daily, if TPPLAY detect fake member, TPPLAY have the right to cancel the Daily Salary.
  2. Agent must invite at least 5 New Member to claim Daily Salary.
  3. Contact your UPLINE to claim the Daily Salary.
  4. Percentage (%) of Bettor and Depositor must be at least 30%.
  5. Every member that join under your referral code is not allowed to have SAME DETAILS (IP address, Email, Phone Number and Bank Information).
  6. LOOTERS and BONUS HUNTERS will directly banned.
  7. For Great Performances, contact your Agency for better offers.

Agents can enjoy daily salary rewards based on the number of active bettors and depositors they engage with on TPPLAY.

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