TPPLAY’s “Weedy Sold” program is a fantastic way for agents to earn weekly rewards by bringing in new active downlines. The more people you recruit who meet the criteria, the bigger your prize. With weekly rewards ranging from €600 to €20,000, this program offers a great way to earn some extra cash.

Here’s how it works: every time you bring in new downlines who make at least three deposits, you qualify for a prize. The more active downlines you get in a week, the bigger the reward. The prize structure looks like this:

TP PLAY Weekly Gold Award

TP PLAY Weekly Gold Award

TPPLAY Weekly Gold Ad

New weekly active members can receive gold prizes based on their activity:

New Weekly Active MemberGold Price

Terms and Conditions:

  1. BOTH Agent and Downline must BIND BANK ACCOUNT.
  2. Your downlines must be genuine players (if they don’t play at all or have suspicious behavior, the bonus will be reviewed or not awarded).
  3. Active downlines are downlines who have made deposits 3 times or more. You can contact your UPLINE to check your total active downline and claim the bonus.
  4. Calculation based on the number of new active downlines you can invite in 1 week. 5. If the percentage of ACTIVE DOWNLINES who make deposits only 3 times exceeds 20% of your total downline, then we will carry out a review without a time limit. 6. Rewards will added to your TPPLAY account, agent MUST withdraw and buy the GOLD. (If agent not buy the GOLD, Can not participate for the next anymore). 7. Every member that join under your referral code is not allowed to have SAME DETAILS (IP address, Email, Phone Number and Bank Information).
  5. All activities are intended for genuine members. If there is fraud in utilizing this activity, TPPLAY has the right to cancel the bonus or freeze the account.

New members joining TPPLAY can enjoy the opportunity to win gold prizes based on their activity levels, adding an extra incentive to join the platform.

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