How To Withdraw Money

A. Bank method

You must link your card first, go to the withdraw menu and follow these steps:
1. Click to add a bank card
2. Select the bank you want to register with
3. Fill in the spaces (your full name, bank account number, phone number and IFSC code)
4. Click Save

How To Withdraw Money

B. USDT method

To bind USDT address, go to the withdraw menu and follow these steps:
1. Click USDT method
2. Click Address USDT
3. Select main network ” TRC “
4. Fill USDT address
5. Fill USDT address again on Address Alias
6. Click Save
Please be sure to confirm the accurate of your information when filling in your bank account, especially the IFSC code (IFSC is the branch code of your bank same with USDT address. You can consult your bank information on customer service bank or enter the bank from APP to check.
If the bank information is filled in incorrectly, it will cause your withdrawal problems !

tpplay usdt withdraw method

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